Initial Membership Dues includes a name badge which will be ordered when you attend your first meeting.
Membership comes with an introductory packet that includes our Club Directory. This will be available at the first meeting you attend.
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Canoga Park Women's Club, 7401 Jordan Avenue at the corner of Valerio and Jordan, 2 blocks east of Topanga Canyon Blvd, between Sherman Way and Saticoy St. Refreshments, beginning at 7:00 pm, provide an opportunity for all to socialize. At 7:30 pm a brief business meeting is con
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Canoga Park Women's Club, 7401 Jordan Avenue at the corner of Valerio and Jordan, 2 blocks east of Topanga Canyon Blvd, between Sherman Way and Saticoy St. Refreshments, beginning at 7:00 pm, provide an opportunity for all to socialize. At 7:30 pm a brief business meeting is convened, followed by the evening's program.
Throughout the year the monthly programs focus on a wide array of topics pertaining to irises, and, on occasion, to compatible companion plants. Two very popular potluck dinner meetings are held each year in December and June.
Plant Table
Most monthly meetings include a plant table where anyone can purchase Iris, and other companion plants and bulbs at bargain prices. All plants offered by the plant table are donated by our members.
One of the premiere SFVIS events held each Spring is an American Iris Society sanctioned horticultural and artistic competition for members and the public to exhibit well grown, well groomed irises to be judged for awards. The SFVIS Annual Spring Show also offers an artistic competition for floral arrangements featuring Iris.
SFVIS members receive a copy of the society's newsletter, "Irisarian," The monthly "Irisarian" serves as a timely "bulletin board" by providing members with details of the next meeting, with a calendar of dates for upcoming Region 15 and SFVIS events, and with information about important SFVIS issues.
Local Trek
SFVIS conducts a local gard
SFVIS members receive a copy of the society's newsletter, "Irisarian," The monthly "Irisarian" serves as a timely "bulletin board" by providing members with details of the next meeting, with a calendar of dates for upcoming Region 15 and SFVIS events, and with information about important SFVIS issues.
Local Trek
SFVIS conducts a local garden trek of outstanding member gardens each Spring, timed to coincide with peak iris bloom in the San Fernando Valley